I will say this – I was a non-believer in the all natural way of birth and figured that heath decisions were best left to the hospitals and their staff (even though the decisions were about me or my family) without my input.
However, at the urging of my wife, I gave up a few weekend nights and attended Delilah’s natural child birth class. The class was straightforward and Delilah used real world examples and down to earth language with a specific focus to our situation (i.e. our hospital, VBAC, natural, etc.). I was pretty skeptical at the beginning of the class, but by the time I left, I felt like I (well my wife!!) could do anything with a little reassurance from Delilah.
The class was just the beginning though – as we mulled the decision to make the investment in a doula. It turned out to be one of the best investments that we have made.
The advice and reassurance from someone who has assisted in hundreds of births did wonders for our psyche and directly contributed to our decisions of when to go the hospital, relief from contractions at home, birth plan for my wife (and for the baby – which we learned about in the class) and what to expect once we got to the hospital. From the time we made the decision to go to the hospital, Delilah was in contact with us and met us at the hospital. She helped relieve my wife’s stress and discomfort, helped me understand that there are always choices in our control, worked with the nurse (at our urging) to make sure that we got exactly what we wanted. Delilah was a great addition to our birth team of two and I am eternally grateful for what she was able to do for us in one of the happiest times of our lives. – Wilson